"A" Rated by the BBB
Timeshare Cancellation Without the Sales Hype
Done safely, legally, guaranteed.
"A" Rated by the BBB
Timeshare Cancellation Without the Sales Hype
Done safely, legally, guaranteed.
"A" Rated by the BBB
Done safely, legally, guaranteed.
"A" Rated by the BBB
Done safely, legally, guaranteed.
"Resolution is the only cancellation firm that offers flat-rate pricing,
so all clients pay the same affordable fee, regardless of the
amount owed to the timeshare.
Stephen Lasser, CEO and Founder
Because the work that has to be done for timeshare cancellation is not a function of the amount you owe your timeshare, or the maximum amount we think you're willing to pay, every client pays the same flat fee. $3,100 for a paid-off property and $5,900 for a mortgaged property when paid up-front. Period. End of story.
No offense to salespeople - after all, good salespeople make the world go round. But you had to put up with sales nonsense getting into your timeshare, you shouldn't have to put up
with it getting out.
We also don't employ chat agents to interrupt you while you're on this site. Have you noticed?
Resolution also offers a true escrow option, so we don't get paid until you get your official release. Not only is our escrow price less than what many firms charge up-front, we also give you the option to pay upfront at half the price of escrow (with an iron-clad money-back guarantee).
300 Main Street, Suite 21-132, Madison NJ 07940
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